Saturday 11 July 2015

284. Rama shares the portents observed by him with his bro.

         Rama murmured 'Thanks!' to the devas and others. He then looked around and what he saw made him very happy. Rama, who was well acquainted with portents, saw some portents around, which augur beneficial outcome for him. However, some of the portents seemed to predict grave happenings. Embracing Lakshmana he told him "O, Lakshmana! Now that we have occupied this region endowed with cold water and woods abounding in fruits, let us quickly divide this multitude of forces into appropriate  battalions and drawing it up in battle array and be ready for any eventuality. I perceive an impending danger which will be terrific, causing destruction to the world, and torture to the eminent heroes among bears, vanaras and rakshasas. Winds are blowing with dust and earth is trembling. Mountain-tops are quivering and trees are falling down. Ferocious clouds resembling wild beasts are dirty colored and emit a terrific roaring and let loose dreadful showers mingled with drops of blood. Evening twilight resembling red sandal wood is very much dreadful. From the blazing sun, balls of fire fall. Wild animals and birds from all sides are roaring pitiably with melancholic sound, facing towards the sun in great fear. The splendorous moon looks as though rising at the time of universal dissolution, invested with a black and red halo is tormenting my mind this night.
     "O, Lakshmana! A dark stain appears on the cloudless solar disc, which is diminished, dreary, inauspicious and coppery. Look! Stars enveloped in enormous dust, appear to announce a dissolution of the world. Crows, eagles and vultures are flying low. Jackals too are howling very dreadful and inauspicious sounds. Earth will become a quagmire of flesh and blood, covered with rocks, spears and swords hurled by vanaras and rakshasas. Abounding with all the vanaras we should be ready to attack the city ruled by Ravana, today itself at a quick pace."
        Rama the cynosure of all, wielding his bow sallied forth in front, facing Lanka. All those excellent vanaras, together with Vibhishana and Sugreeva making roaring sounds surged forth for the destruction of the audacious enemies. Rama on his part was pleased by the act and gestures of those very strong vanaras, with their intention to gratify him.

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