Thursday 20 November 2014

202. Hanuman continues his probe for Seetha.

          Hanuman noticed that the brightly shining moon in the sky was straight above his head thereby spreading the maximum  illumination of moon shine. And the moon looked like a bull in heat among cows. The full moon with its horn like spot shone like a sharp horned ox standing with a high hump, like a great white mountain with tall summits, like an elephant with golden tusks.
       Hanuman heard lovely musical notes pleasing to ears played from stringed instruments. Women with good character were sleeping with husbands.
          Hanuman saw houses with people in heat, houses filled with people, full chariots, horses, elephants and top-class furniture. Hanuman felt that the city was overflowing with immense wealth. He saw intoxicated rakshasas railing a lot at one another moving their heavy shoulders, throwing wild and incoherent words a lot, insulting one another.
      Hanuman was amused to see some rakshasas who smote breast, who threw limbs on women and who were displaying their intrepidity by sporting their strong bows. He saw some women applying sandal paste on their bodies and also some other women sleeping there. And some women with good appearance were smiling, and some other women were sighing in anger. Hanuman saw the city of Lanka was shining with great elephants making sound and also with gentlemen well respected, shone with warriors in a wresting bout, with long sighs, like serpents in a lake hissing. 
      Hanuman was also seeing people with good appearance who seemed to possess good virtues, as well as some who seemed to be according to their character, and as well as those who were radiant and happy.
       He also saw some of their women who obviously were born in the family of noble distinction. Hanuman saw also some women who looked brilliant with radiance, adorned a lot of bashfulness, and some who were hugged by lovers in the middle of night, and some who were hugged with great pleasure, and some who were hugged by flowers like birds. The intellectual Hanuman also saw some other women there comfortably sitting on the laps of their lovers, some at the top of their buildings, doing so on the laps of their dear  husbands and some other women interested in virtuous deeds alone, and some possessed by the lord of love. He also saw women with golden complexion lacking clothes, women with a complexion of refined gold suitable for mating and some other women also with the colour of moon and some other women with beautiful bodies lacking a lover. Thereafter that curious vanara warrior saw those with great happiness, those who obtained lovers who entertained, those who attracted like flowers, those with great beauty and women in their houses filled with happiness.
       Hanuman saw rows of faces shining like the moon, beautiful rows of eyes with curved eyebrows and rows of ornaments like beautiful rows of lighting. Alas! He did not see Seetha, one with great beauty born in a royal family following a virtuous path, well brought up, like a creeper in full blossom, one who was thin, and one who was born from the mind of the creator.
         Hanuman did not see that Seetha who stood in the path of ancient righteousness with her sight on Sri Rama, who was possessed by the love for Sri Rama, and always better than any woman who was considered  the best. 
      Hanuman did not see Seetha who was like a crescent with a blurred outline, like an arrow in an injury, like a series of clouds scattered by wind. He became a numb minded one for sometime, stricken with grief for not able to locate Seetha, wife of Sri Rama.

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